QUestions on Battle Dragons, and Dragon Purchase

Posted 10 years ago
Thread Starter


Apr 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I am wondering what exactly dragons with the "battle" aspect are for? For example, I have a fruit dragon, and though this site says it is not a battle dragon, I can still use it in fights (does well to when i need a third one). Also, all the dragons I can get in the shop all have that sword icon.

Is this something to do more with the Facebook version, or a recent change?

Also, for Facebook, can someone list me all the dragons that can ONLY be gotten from Gem Purchases? thank you
Posted 10 years ago


Dec 2013
lvl 6: Giant Sideburns
You might be looking at something that was incorrect in the content. They keep adding to the list of Dragons that can battle. I try to keep up with it as much as possible. If you see anything else that may be incorrect please let me know. I will put together a list of the Dragons that are Gem purchases and post it in this thread. Thanks Valareos.
Posted 9 years ago


none yet
Mar 2015
lvl 1: Loincloth
This is not a reply , but question. I'm at my wits end with this game, like how do I get 3 star dragons, and why won't some of my 3