What's your dragon battle team?

Posted 11 years ago
Thread Starter


Oct 2013
lvl 5: Goblin Ponch
I'm currently using Ferocious, Water and Grass dragons. I'll change out when I breed another triple or quad element dragon.
Posted 11 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Am using 2 predatory and 1 spring dragon at the moment... trying for a ferocious, Chinese and a flower dragon to have better options against different opponents. Already beat 2 boards and almost conquered the 3rd... and I am only lvl 13, facing lvl 17 and 18 players ! This combo for a team is kick butt!!!
Posted 11 years ago


Dec 2013
lvl 6: Giant Sideburns
Pretty awesome! Thanks for the tip :)
Posted 11 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I'm lvl 11 and I use Fire Dragon, Lava Dragon and a Grass Dragon. Just bred a flower and spring dragon so changing the team up soon :) I'm nearly on league 3
Posted 11 years ago


Dec 2013
lvl 6: Giant Sideburns
Has anyone fought the Maple Dragon in battle yet?
Posted 11 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Yea. They are tough. Couldn't beat one guy with an evo maple but he moved on pretty quick. My team is Herbivore, Lake and Predator. Max ranks and decently upgraded skills.
Posted 11 years ago


Dec 2013
lvl 6: Giant Sideburns
Nice! That's a pretty awesome team :)
Posted 11 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I use a level 10 Rock Dragon with Power Move 1 and Thorns 1, a level 12 Predatory Dragon with Double Attack 2 and Poison Spit 1, and a level 10 Tornado Dragon with PM 1 and Thorns 1 i think.
Posted 10 years ago


Jan 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I'm using 3 level 20 dragons. Ferocious, Maple, and Desert! Level 4 skills mostly. Level 41. But I speed through so you will not get trapped in a level with me.
Posted 10 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I'm working on building up my stock of elements so that I can evolve my fighters better/more, but for now my #1 fighters are my Flower level 15, Crocodile level 10, and Tectonic level 10. I've made it to league 9, and with some of my competition being pretty steep, I feel pretty good about my status! :) I have yet to breed the toughies like the Ferocious or even the Chinese, which usually seem to beat me out, but I've trained my Flower dragon to take a lot of punches! Remember, they don't have to be "ferocious" to be ferocious!!
Posted 10 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Hola, tengo una duda grande, he luchado contra dragones que tienen dos ataques especiales y yo solo tengo uno, tengo mi Dragon Primaveral en nivel 20 el ataque normal lo tengo que ya solo me da el 1% y el ataque especial en el nivel 2.
Me salio una casilla vacia para poder poner un poder de ataque, al ponerla me desaparecio el ataque venenoso y me puso el de fuego, no me aumento en dos ataques especiales.
Como se puede poner dos ataques especiales como muchos compañeros que si los tienen.
Posted 10 years ago


Mar 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Obsidian level 10, Chinese level 15, and Desert level 10
Posted 10 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Flower 15, desert 10 and earth 15. They work ok, but I get my butt kicked badly most of the time. I am stuck trying to get past some level 20s who's dragons kill all of mine with one dragon who has 15,000 points against my 3500. Severe whooping. Lol I figure on getting up there in a couple of months. It sure is boring not being able to battle while I wait all of the time to train and level up. We should never have to battle dragons out of our league. What do they gain out of killing someone so far behind them. It is like one team has a knife and the other team has an A Bomb. Wow, who you going to bet on? DUH!
Posted 10 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 2: Hog "Rider
I've only won my first level of battles.
My last opponent on the 2nd level has a dragon that is kicking my dragon's butts!
I think they used an obsidian dragon, and i don't have that one. .. or any dragon with more than 2 elements. ..yet.

I'm using a few dragons to fight, but since i can't win until I develop a dragon that can hit with more that 3500 in damages... i'm stuck.

My highest hitting dragon has a 1440 punch.. .against my opponent's 3500...i've got a long way to go.
And if i estimate the time .... improving by 1 - 4% ... how did he do it in such a short time? I mean this game has only been around since dec. 2013. I guess they buy with real world money..i can't figure out how else they could train their dragon so extensively. Any ideas?
Posted 10 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 2: Hog "Rider
These dragons have the biggest punch...1st weapon.

Lava (surprisingly tough)
Magic Fire
Posted 10 years ago


Apr 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I am on level 21 and my team has a predatory, tech tonic and a rune, all evolved to 15. They are a good team but I run into a lot of evolved 20s and they usually stop me. I also have a flower, ferocious, fire magic, steam and lightning dragon evolved to 15 and they are good in battles also.
Posted 10 years ago


none yet
Jul 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I am lvl 12 and have a predatory, agile, and amazon dragon in my battle team all at level 10. The thing is that I can't battle for some reason and I'm starting to get frustrated. For this reason I'm still in league 3
Posted 10 years ago


none yet
Jul 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Does anyone know why I can't battle?
Posted 10 years ago


none yet
Jul 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
My team consist if a rank8 lvl 15 predatory dragon, a rank7 lvl 15 bunny dragon and a rank6 lvl 15 coldfire dragon. This team is amazing I am a lvl 18 and have been battling lvl 24's in the tournament and winning. Another dragon to shoot for is the mirage dragon at lvl 10 mine was hitting lvl 15 dragons for 4k damage with lvl 1 abilities. Build the same dragons 3 to 4 times until you can get it to have 10-15% rare dragon chance then breed a seperate dragon 3-4 times for a 10-15% rare dragon chance ten all you have to do is breed those 2 dragons and you will have a 30% rare dragon chance meaning breed them 3-4 times and out of those times you are bound to get a rare dragon. Hope this helps anyone.
Posted 10 years ago


none yet
Jul 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Gugh what lvl are you? If your dragons are too young you will be unable to battle
Posted 10 years ago


none yet
Jul 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Mhana you can train your dragons quickly by breeding 2 element dragons that take no time at all to breed Dave up your food or spend the $5 for extra food and lvl then up to 10 split them in the magic sanctuary and use the essences to train or evolve your dragons training the ability to a lvl 2 attck will only take 6 hours (or 6 gems for instant train) I recommend breeding low dragons multiple times for the only reason to split them. This is my tactic and in 3 weeks I have 6 lvl 15 dragons (4 of which are rare) and 1 of them has a lvl 8 basic attck lvl 5 poison attack (flower vortex lvl 3) and that fire rain ability (fire attck lvl3) and it takes time at first but is well worth the results.
Posted 10 years ago


none yet
Aug 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Thats gd info CavScout, i started a similar tactic, gd to know it will wrk, dragons im using atm all lvl 10, are 2 sand storms,
and a jungle dragon, all i find very strong for there lvls, as i can take out lvl 15s ok, and does anyone know if the
Natural magic dragon is any gd in battle?
Posted 10 years ago

Snappy Dragoon

none yet
Nov 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Crocodile Maple Sparkle
They're quads, so they took a chunk more to fully upgrade and evolve, but I think it's worth it to have so many elements at my disposal :)
Posted 9 years ago


none yet
Mar 2015
lvl 1: Loincloth
I just bred a walnut and it is extremely powerful, even for a low level/rank. Btw I've got a lvl 15 predatory (evolving to 20) as well as ferocious, tectonic, agile, etc. if u r struggling getting rare dragons my best advice would be to just keep trying never give up. For example it took me a least 50 tries of breeding until I got the walnut, but it was soooooo worth it! Good luck every one.
Posted 9 years ago


none yet
May 2015
lvl 1: Loincloth
I use a team of lvl 15's although I have more than 3 I use
1. Level 15 Predatory Dragon, Stone Press I, Power attack I, and Eruption I( Max Rank yaya !)
2. Level 15 Tectonic Dragon, Ice ring 6 soon to be Thundercloud, Attack I,and flower vortex II( Max rank yaya!)
and last but not completely least
3. Level 15 lightning Dragon, I got it recently so it not maxed skills or rank but. Fireball II, Solar Wind I, and Power Attack
Tanks for reading Guys tell me if I should use a dif dragon/ swap my lightning wit my lvl 15 magic fire or lvl 15 pheonix, lava, saphhire.
Also, any questions ? Ima lvl 18 but I would love to try and give tips to help people battle~ !
