Dragon's World Review!

Posted 11 years ago
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Dec 2013
lvl 6: Giant Sideburns
We want to hear about your experiences with Dragon's World and how much you love it! Share it here.
Posted 11 years ago


Jan 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Yeah....bloody addictive..... but what is the airship's use? What does it do ?
Posted 11 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 2: Hog "Rider
Hi Dragon Buddys!
I love the new DW game, but I'm not sure, it's too difficult, to costly.
It's a new game so we're all starting together, so that's kinda fun.

I'm a bit confused about the mathematics, but I'm getting the hang of it.

re: Cheoz13) I too, am curious about Airship's presence means? I'll hazard a guess.
Does it mean one of your neighbors is visiting our DW?
Posted 11 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Myself my brother his wife and my mother started playing this game and we are all having a blast the fact that you can breed the rares and are NOT forced to buy them with gem's is best idea yet in a game . Now I also love the idea of the special dragons they had week or so ago we all got them and having fun . KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK 😎😎😎😎😎😎

I was also wondering about the shamanic dragon where is this obtained ?
Posted 11 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Based off my last post I see there already more dragons up for sale and if your going to push them that fast and for so much in cost . I will myself brother his wife and my mother and my dad cuss he just started will STOP PLAYING because it will become unfun please DO NOT RUIN A GOOD GAME
Posted 11 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Great game guys, am absolutely loving it, all except for one thing..., the random chance in breeding..., I've been breeding a level 10 fire dragon with a level 10 tropical dragon both with 10 % chance of rare dragon and am getting nothing but spring dragons... I've bred sold almost 20 spring dragons now, and its getting extremely frustrating... :(
Posted 11 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
P.s. trying to get a predatory dragon..., what am I missing here...?!?!?!?
Posted 11 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I breed mine with a lava dragon that had 10% rare and a nature dragon at 5% plan nature dragon no hybrid
Posted 11 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Thanks Ikeeie..., I will try that combination... :)
Posted 11 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
It will take a few try's but stick with it 😎

You don't know how to make a Chinese dura do you I'm stuck on that one
Posted 11 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Have been playing this for a while now with Family and Friends and is a Great Fun Game, you guys do a great job with developing new things. That said recently you have a ( major red flag ) in your presenting of new things. ( Cost and timing of the specials) , all-though they are nice, cost to much and to many to soon to keep up with. suggestion keep the cost the same and only present one special per month and run it for two weeks to give people a chance to get them, two weeks on two weeks off. or lower your cost form 10, 25, 50 to 15, 20, 25. heres what happend to other games I’ve seen with to many specials that cost to much and to often….people stop playing. Another nice ferture would to be able to gift Dragons in game.
Posted 11 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I couldn't agree more I like the specials but lower in price and as you stated longer times would be perfect . And my family might even be able to keep up , I just really don't want it to go the way of all the other game's that push to much to fast ,just takes the fun out . But I will end with the fact I'm happy to see these packages lowered in price . 😃
Posted 11 years ago
Thread Starter


Dec 2013
lvl 6: Giant Sideburns
They did recently lower the prices on the packages. Hopefully they will continue to tweak the game to be more enjoyable. :)
Posted 11 years ago

Count Morbius

Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Why are they ads in every post?
Posted 11 years ago

Count Morbius

Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I love the game, but it's hard for me get a rare dragon........
Posted 11 years ago
Thread Starter


Dec 2013
lvl 6: Giant Sideburns
Somebody has to pay the bills :D What combo are you trying?
Posted 11 years ago


Feb 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
I love the game but there are so many flaws! Like the fact that you need to learn what "slow build up" mean. The goals are nearly impossible to achieve after you get past the first one. You fist have to get what, 50 friends? Then you have to get 100 friends, then you jump all the way up to 500 friends!!! What if I don't want 500 friends in the game?! You should've made it so you have to get 10 friends, then 20 friends, then 50 friends, then 100 friend, then 150-200 friends.

Its the same with the tasks, I can't keep up with them! Your pricing is outrageous so it makes it very hard to get habitats and dragons right off the bat and then you have that treasure chest that pops up and wants you to use offspring from a dragon I haven't even gotten yet! This game is addictive but it is waaaay to expensive and breeding and hatching takes WAY too much time! I want more reasons to play the game every hour. I dont want my only reason to be to collect gold and food. I want to actually be able to play the game for an hour straight that does not involve visiting my friends.
By the way that is the only time I play the game for an hour straight is when im collecting from my friends. The reason that takes an hour is because I have to go searching for the gold! And for those of you who think some habitats only give you two places to collect gold while other give you three, they all give you three sometimes you just have to hunt for the third one for 5 minutes!

If you dumb down a few thing just a smidge this game will be a lot more fun and I guarantee you will get a lot more people to play. One last thing, if it were possible to play this on facebook, like being able to go from my phone to facebook that would be really awesome!
Posted 10 years ago


Mar 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
Hi :)

First if all, I love the game, three dragons are really well done!

As some players said before, there is lots of flaws still (I mean this to be constructive criticism, not moaning!)

1. The dragons/ resources are far too expensive.

2. Getting elements takes too long (2days for 1 dragon?)

3. It would be nice if elements would be in treasure chest as well.

4. How do I know who will start in the battle?

5. In the tournament (which is totally awesome!) Why can the opponents dragons use the same attack twice in row when I have to wait (like flower attack for example)

That's a few from me, thank you for reading and I'm off to kick some dragons ass :)))
Posted 10 years ago
Thread Starter


Dec 2013
lvl 6: Giant Sideburns
Go Getem tiger!! :)
Posted 10 years ago


Mar 2014
lvl 2: Hog "Rider

Nice post Juliet! :D I feel the same about the game. I want to let you know that it's actually possible to play this game on Facebook! ^^ You should be able to find it out.
Posted 10 years ago


Apr 2014
lvl 1: Loincloth
If u haven't had the pleasure of dealing with quantumsupport or the developers of Dragon's World, I hope u never have to. It's a nightmare! If u havent already downloaded this game than DON'T and if ur like me and already have got sucked in, watch out for those glitches. Your stuff can disappear way faster than u took to earn it and unless u want to spend endless amounts of money replacing it ur SOL. If ur a serious player dont invest ur time!!
Posted 9 years ago


none yet
Mar 2015
lvl 1: Loincloth
Sooo.... is this game dated now? All the comments i see are from a year ago... am i the only one playing now???? Also when is the scale essence coming i see the sign for it but nothing pops up. Its like the same thing with the space dragons when they showed up. Also I NEED ANOTHER ISLAND. Im maxed out, DL keeps promoting new drangons an more habitats but there's no room anymore!