Deep-Sea Dragon

Incubation Time 36:00:00
Rarity Common
Type Earth Twilight Water
Buy 750 Crystals
Sell Value 180,000 Gold
XP 135,000 XP
Lvl 1 Earn Rate 1,800
Lvl 10 Earn Rate 7,200
Used in Battles? Yes
Breedable Yes

Deep-Sea Dragon Breeding

Parent Parent Attempts Successes Breed %
Snow Glowworm 61 61 48%
Sapphire Water 76 36 28%
Ash Tortoise 56 21 17%
Agile Air 197 6 5%
Predatory Grass 24 3 2%
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Percentages are based on what our users have shared with us, your mileage will vary.
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Additional Deep-Sea Dragon Information

The Deep-Sea Dragon's body is unusually proportioned - unusual for land-dwellers, that is. However, it is perfectly suited to life in its native element. That's why the dragon has that glowing ball on the end of a special tendril - to illuminate the darkness of the murky deep.